Charlie Sheen wants to cut Denise Richards’ child support!

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Ahh Twitter is always a great platform for celebrities to voice their opinions and Charlie Sheen is the latest star to awkwardly post a tweet about how he won’t be able to see his daughter this Christmas.

Denise Richards, you don’t want any child support do you???

Charlie Sheen is currently paying $55,000 to ex-wife Denise Richards every month for child support for their two daughters, Sam, 9, and Lola, 8. BUT it appears Charlie is super angry right now and is telling close ones that this is a deal the two decided on privately and not by a judge in the court!

So because it was not settled in court through a judge, he is now thinking about going through the legal system to get this number lowered significantly.

The two’s relationship have been rocky but according to Denise Richards, their disputes always ended quickly.

Here’s some food for thought. The former Hollywood sexy star received a $9 million dollar home for free from Sheen just so he was walking distance from his kids. Well we certainly believe Richards milking the wealthy lifestyle from Sheen but Sheen might also believe that too.

So lets get down to the nitty gritty. Charlie is apparently furious because Denise will not let their daughters stay with him for Christmas morning and won’t even allow them to call their dad. Charlie also claims Richards took away their cellphones as well. WHAT A B#!%H!, oh come on Denise, let your kids see their father for Christmas at least, you’re already getting $55,000 a month on child support. Every gold digger in Hollywood is wishing they were receiving that kind of money. Seriously how expensive could it be to raise two daughters. Not $55,000 a month that’s for sure!

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