How did Jessica Simpson lose weight from her second baby?


According to Jessica Simpson, she is now back to pre-pregnancy weight thanks to Weight Watchers and chasing children. The former actress and singer is now looking to get back in shape. Seriously, who would want to buy clothes from an overweight fashion designer? Just saying…

After two kids in under two years, Simpson now 33, told USA Today, “With both kids I’m running up and down my stairs a million times. Kids can keep your metabolism going.”

Simpson is engaged to former NFL tight end and fiance Eric Johnson and has a daughter and a son with the former athlete. The former pop star says her and Eric go on walks together and consistently walks four miles everyday. Good job Jessica! — you were getting a bit chunky but we won’t hold it against you.

All jokes aside, Simpson has lost more than 50 pounds after she gave birth to Maxwell and after the birth of her daughter Ace, she ‘jumped’ back on Weight Watchers. Isn’t she sponsored by Weight Watchers? We swear we saw her on a commercial.

The actress has told the world she is not a good cook and has help prepping meals for the family. She also has a personal trainer, Harley Pasternak four days a week for about an hour each time.

“Every day we don’t know what’s going to happen,” Simpson said about her young family. “They definitely keep our lives busy but full of smiles. We laugh a lot.”

There has been a lot of attention on her weight so it must be difficult dealing with being called a fat prune all the time.

“It does get old having people harping on how much you weigh or your body after pregnancy,” said Simpson. “People are going to pick me apart no matter what I do. I’m always going to have critics.”

Simpson told USA Today that she was on a mission “to be the best version of myself. I want to be a great mom and a great example to my kids.”

Jessica Simpson and fiance Eric Johnson are currently looking into their wedding and that they have been looking at dresses and colors. We think Simpson should pitch an idea for a second run at The Newlyweds plus two. What do you all think? She said she didn’t want to act anymore so wouldn’t a so-called Reality show be suitable and an opportunity to earn some extra cash?

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