After giving birth to baby number two, Jessica Simpson, now 50 pounds lighter shows off her new look from the set of her upcoming Weight Watchers commercial. While she is still a bit chunky looking if you ask us, she has slimmed down considerably since the last time she was on TV with the huge
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Jessica Simpson shows off her naked face in her latest Twitter pic!
Jessica Simpson despite retiring from Hollywood has been making the headlines lately, at least on the internet, where everything is just that much more juicy. Simpson bares it all as she took to her Twitter account, sharing a photo of her makeup-less face while on a date with her man Eric Johnson. We must say
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According to Jessica Simpson, she is now back to pre-pregnancy weight thanks to Weight Watchers and chasing children. The former actress and singer is now looking to get back in shape. Seriously, who would want to buy clothes from an overweight fashion designer? Just saying… After two kids in under two years, Simpson now 33,
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Jessica Simpson is calling it quits from Hollywood and claims she never wants to read a script again. According to a source the young mother also says she is fine with moving away from Los Angeles but stays because of her husband’s passion for golf. “Jessica has told friends that she’s 100 percent done with
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